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WPRM Museum Store Screenly

A new display system called Screenly, was deployed in the Museum Store in August 2021 and just outside the main entrance to the Museum Store.

These new systems display museum information, admission fees and train ride information. The old black with white letters board has been retired and the new system has been installed to give better information to the public. The information displayed is easily changed and can be scheduled to change in advance.

These are the active slides on screenly-storebig.
rsync updated assets on http1 at Mon Jul 22 09:18:18 PDT 2024

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Store Join Now page EV 220309.jpg
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Operated by the Feather River Rail Society, a California 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

700 Western Pacific Way, P.O. Box 608, Portola CA 96122-8636 | 1-530-832-4131 | email us at:

Copyright © 2024 Feather River Rail Society.  All Rights Reserved.  Page last updated:  Tuesday April 9, 2024 12:24 PDT