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This is a collection of slides with little or no information found in the archive cars at the museum.

WP 465

WP 455

WP 462
462 is at Oroville in that view. You can see the Oroville derrick train in the background with its silver bay-window caboose. 462 is shown in its rebuilt condition (it was rebuilt in 1980) and spent much of its time assigned to the Chico Local out of Yuba City. The derrick train got the silver after UP took over. It was silver in 1983 when Greg Elems worked the WP MOW clean up gang in the FRC. By 1986 when Greg worked as brakeman on the extra board out of Portola the derrick train had been moved to Portola and a UP cupola caboose was assigned to it which is now in the WPRM caboose train. IIRC the Oroville derrick caboose was the 428 at the time of the merger.
WP 455

WP 444

WP 452
When it was rebuilt, 452 received experimental solar electric generating panels mounted on the roof for charging the caboose battery, which must not have worked out as well as hoped, since it was never repeated that I′m aware of. A couple of other railroads also tried solar panels, apparently with the same degree of success.
WP 3020

WP 3538
3538 has a silver & orange hood door from either a GP35 from the 3013-3022 group, or a 3501-3516 GP40 based on the white roadname lettering. 3538 was delivered in Perlman green.
A pair of WP U30Bs. Judging by their radiators, they are from the second (756-759) or third (760-769) order as the first had the U28B style radiators.
We believe the one on the left is from the second order, since it has the ″doghouse″ electric box on the deck behind the cab, which the third order units did not have. It might be WP 757 from the appearance on the rear number board, but it′s not clear enough to say for sure. The unit on the right is from the third order (760-769) as it lacks the doghouse. This photo is likely taken after September 1971. We believe the roundhouse is Oakland as you can see the Flying Scotsman and its cars in the stalls in photo ″00010″ to the left of the locomotives. Staff′s DDOTWP roster says 757 was renumbered to 3057 on June 19, 1972 so that tells us the photo was taken prior to that date.
UP 834 UP GP30 - GP30B set - We believe the roundhouse is Oakland as you can see the Flying Scotsman and its cars in the stalls in photo ″00010″ to the left of the locomotives.
The UP GP30 and GP30Bs were common pool units on the WP in the early 70s before UP amassed their legions of SD40-2s and other 6-axle units seen in the later 70s.


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