

Stockton, CA 6-23-1950 Guy L Dunscomb

Shrine Special Stockton, CA 6-23-1950 Guy L Dunscomb

Shrine Special Stockton, CA 6-23-1950 Guy L Dunscomb

Shrine Special Stockton, CA 6-23-1950 Guy L Dunscomb

Boy Scout Special Stockton, CA 1950 Guy L Dunscomb

Train #1 Royal Gorge Elko, NV 8-8-1949 Guy L Dunscomb


Locomotive #94 is in storage with the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society in Oakland waiting for possible move to the State Museum in Sacramento.

WRW 1909

Guy L Dunscomb Collection

Guy L Dunscomb Collection







Guy L Dunscomb

Ex. WP 619




Western Coal mined in Wyoming will be transported in consolidated single-system rail service directly to power plants in the South, Southeast and West.










Studio 3, Inc.

Pacific Car & Foundry





Dale Sanders Photo

Dale Sanders Photo

Dale Sanders Photo

Dale Sanders Photo

Dale Sanders Photo

Dale Sanders Photo

Dale Sanders Photo

WP 3506 Thunders through Oroville Siding with a GRW on December 12, 1977 as the BN138 waits in the hole to the right. Dale Sanders Photo

Just east of Oroville, 3544 and DOT/FRA test train make track speed as they head west. November 10, 1977. Dale Sanders Photo

DOT/FRA test cars roll through James with the 3544 on the point on 11-10-1977. Dale Sanders Photo

WP Bicentennial units 1776 and 1976 on Keddie Wye, May 19, 1976. Power consists, BN-137, WP 1776, BN 6438, 6539, 4256, and 4258. B-PBF, 1976, 3510, 3018, 3536, 3543, and 3511. Dale Sanders Photo.


Oakland 16th Street Station, 4-27-77. Kyle Brehm

Near west of Macdoel, CA approx.. 17 miles from Oregon. 4-30-1977. Kyle Brehm

A photo runby at Goldtree, just east of San Luis Obispo, CA 4-27-1977. Kyle Brehm

At Oakland 4-27-1977

The climb nearly over, the Flying Scotsman pauses for the picture just outside Redmond Cut with her pops whistling a firm indication of ample steam pressure. By the looks of that coal bunker, the remaining 58.95 miles to San Francisco are the last on this Western trek. 9-27-72 Ted Benson. Nov-Dec 1971 Mileposts.

The Flying Scotsman steams into Stockton as Extra 4472 West passes the east switch of Flora siding having just crossed the Espee mainline. 9-27-72 Ted Benson.

Sunset at Middle Harbor Road finds the British duchess of steel drawing her court admirers into steamy conference. 9-27-71 Ted Benson

The last lap behind her, the Flying Scotsman scoots for the yard limit board at Clinton and the mile of double track into 3rd. & Washington Streets Oakland. The 5:30pm sun casts a giant shadow as 4472 draws her trip to a close. 9-27-72 Ted Benson

Deep in the heart of the Altamont Hills, LNER 4472 works out of Midway’s forest of power lines, her three cylindered exhasts rebounding off the barren Coast Range. 9-27-71 Ted Benson

Power, speed, grace, and style. What more can be said about the center driver of LNER 4472? The bicycle-like construction, such a departure from the typical American speed queen of the 1930’s, lend an almost fragile appearance to the locomotive. But once upon a time the “fragile” beast hit 100MPH and I’ll bet she could do it again. 9-27-72 (Oakland) Ted Benson

Engineer Ballantine takes over for the short hop to Middle Harbor Road as Pegler bids farewell to the crowd at Oakland. 9-27-71 Ted Benson


Negative 8020, Henry’s Photo Service, PO Box 1545, Vallejo, CA 94590


WP westbound BN 171-25 led by WP 3006-3005-2259-2260-3059-3071; passing eastbound BN 138-26, led by WP 2258-3510-UP 2400-WP 2007-BN 6487; at Little Valley, May 27, 1979. Photo by Lee Myers

BN eastbound 138-26 with WP 2007-BN 6487 at Bieber, May 27, 1979. Photo by Lee Myers

West of Tracy, CA. Henry W, Brueckman

Orange and silver diesel #913, the only WP unit to currently wear those colors approaches the summit of Altamont Pass, leading the San Jose Turn n May 28, 1978. Mike Martin Photo

Beth Cindric, WP’s first female hostler, unleashes a smile as she directs the power for the San Jose Turn into the fueling racks at Stockton, May 29, 1978. Mike Martin Photo


Chas Fox OAR-HAY 1-29-73

Chas Fox OAR-HAY 1-29-73


Henry W, Brueckman


Mileposts April 1960




Last steam engine on eastern division #35 leaving Elko, Nevada

Photo by Paul Gordenev

Eastbound whips along the upper Feather River east of Portola. 1/67 Steinheimer

Center- Myron M. Christy Pres. Western Pacific RR. Mileposts May-June 1965













Freight with 917-ABCD at Winnemucca, Nevada 1950

Miller’s Photo April 3, 1958



Miller’s Photo April 4, 1958


Crew change on E/B hotshot, Portola. R. Stienheimer 1-1967

Reno Local comes into Portola w/b in evening 1-1967. WP 707 Steinheimer


Snowy Sierra Valley yields to e/b freight 1-1967. Alan Steinheimer (age 10)



Henry W, Brueckman

New power and rotary, Portola. R. Steinheimer 1-1967

SXP082305-8/23/60-Oakland, Calif: Youthful rail buff snaps photo of old “94” which arrived here 8/22 pulling Western Pacific Railroad’s crack California Zephyr to commemorate 50 years of passenger service by Western Pacific. The locomotive was the one used August 22, 1910 to pull Western Pacific’s first passenger train from Salt Lake City to Oakland. UPI Telephoto

WP 1776 leads BN power to an eventual meeting with 1976 on Keddie Wye May 1976. Train is shown just outside of Keddie on the Highline. Bill Shippen

Jon Brenneis, 4018-31

Scotty Gault-Stockton

Wesley Swadley Creative Photography

Western Pacific Bicentennial locomotives, 1976 and 1776, lead the TOF over Keddie Wye in the Feather River Canyon, on June 7, 1977. Dale Sanders

WP Bicentennial units 1976 and 1776 roll across North Fork Bridge with the TOF on July 18, 1976. Dale Sanders

Dale Sanders

The WPE (left) gains speed as it runs around the APUP at James during November 1977. Dale Sanders

Western Pacific train, S-PBF, is shown crossing Clio Viaduct on a hot summer day in June 1977. Dale Sanders

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

Henry W. Brueckman

STEAM LOCOMOTIVE NO. 233 Built at Sacramento in January of 1882 as the 16th locomotive constructed by the Central Pacific Railroad, this steam locomotive weighs 103,000 pounds and operates on 145 pounds (per square inch) of boiler pressure. This is one of only two Central Pacific Railroad engines still in existence. Given to the Pacific Locomotive Association by the City of Oakland, the engine was moved in 1974 from its Oakland Auditorium display site to the Association’s railroad museum at Point Richmond near the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Restoration of the venerable locomotive commenced under the guidance of Peter Rodgers, Superintendent of Motive Power for the museum. Two years of work totaling thousands of volunteer man hours were required to renovate this priceless locomotive. Now fully restored, the No. 233 joins six other old steamers on the Associations Castro Point Railway museum grounds.

Pulga, Calif. June 1968









Mileposts, July 1960

Cropped image of PR-299








Western Pacific Train #1 “Pacific Express” at Beldon, California midway through the Feather River Canyon in 1916.

























