

Thomas A. Edison, Inc.

Primary Battery Division 1012 Balboa Bldg. San Francisco, CA



John Goetz and his son, Danny, have a meeting of minds in the offices of WIDE WIDE WORLD. They’re working on the program “Flag Stop at Malta Bend,” the story of American railroading, which will be presented on “Wide Wide World,” Sunday, March 30 (NBC-TV, 4-5:30 p.m., EST).





Arrival of Asso. Trailer Car Co., 1st trans-continental “Piggy-back” movement New York to Oakland. April 29th, 1959







D-3 W.P. milepost 424, eastbound, at “Bronte section house” on the Smoke Creek Desert, between Phil and Sano, Nevada. About 1953.

D-6 W.P. milepost 531, (Nev.) at Winnemucca with old roundhouse buildings to right in distance. Taken about 1953.

D-7 W. P. milepost 900, eastbound east of Burmiester, Utah near Lake Point, Utah. Great Salt Lake to left of track, taken about 1953.




Mileposts November 1954 Cover Photo



Special train at Salduro, looking east.

Wendover Division terminal near Utah-Nevada line. Looking southwest.

Pollyanna-297 Filming movie 1960

Pollyanna-315 Filming movie 1960








WP Mole 1908-1909

Mr. Layton's son arriving Feather River Inn from Kansas City. H. S. Lawton photo.

Feather River Inn swimming pool


Pulga, CA 6-68

Williams Loop, CA 2-64

Oroville, CA 8-64

Rock Creek, CA 2-64

CZ Rear end view going by freight 10-63

Roll WP 1010, Frame 6

Roll WP 1014 Frame 11













Bonta Ranch, East, 3-7-1958, 1-2 pm. Miller’s Photo


































The sun sinks in the west on the mainline at Valpico. Waiting for the Zephyr—the last Zephyr. 3/22/70. Ted Benson

With Old Man Storm roaming the high country, the officials are on the roam as well in the continuing battle of wits with the elements. The storm fronts safely past for another week, maybe, business car #101 heads back to San Francisco riding the rear drawbar of a pooled Union Pacific caboose on hotshot mail train WMX. Shot near Paxton on 1/29/72. Ted Benson

Hot exhausts knife the icy air above Keddie as pool freight BN-170 claws up the High Line at milepost 2 with two WP U-Boats leading a pair of BN Geeps on the frosty run to Bieber and Seattle. 12/10/72. Ted Benson

Renumbered GE power takes the GGM out of Stockton on August 13, 1972. U30B #3063 leads the five units of the long hotshot while a new U23B #2256 idles in the engine facilities at Stockton. Ted Benson

Curving into the rocky chasm above Rich Bar comes Amtrak #6 behind four ex-SP covered wagons! (Paint the Green!) 4/30/73. Ted Benson

An exterior view of the temporary Westwood station. . . high-railer will follow the next (and last) SP detour train down to Keddie. 1/21/74 File 6, #21 Ted Benson

Mary Jo Ledwig takes some SP generated kitbitzing in stride as she holds her order hoop for a northbound detoured SP freight. 1/21/74. File 5, #22. Ted Benson

Mary Jo hoops ‘em up to the headend of detoured Espee Extra 8855 East (north) at Westwood. 1-21-74. File 5, #23. Ted Benson

Orders follow for the rear end of SP 8855 at Westwood. 1/21/74. File 5, #27. Ted Benson

The temporary Westwood Train Order signal flutters in the winter wind. 1/21/74. File 5, #28 Ted Benson

A fisheyed view of the spacious (choke) interior of the temporary Westwood depot. Cabin fever guaranteed after a week in this office! 1/21/74. File 5, #31 Ted Benson

Westwood operator Mary Jo Ledwig stands with rear end orders at the ready as a heavy Bieber bound freight lumbers past. 1/21/74. File 5, #35a (I think) Ted Benson

I just stuck the meter up to the window, took a reading, set the camera, and snapped off three frames. “It’ll never turn out!” This is the night yardmaster at Oakland captured without his knowledge, the night of March 15, 1969. Ted Benson

The ready tracks at Stockton hum around the clock. A diesel inspector checks out GP35 #3021 for another run east on the evening of March 21, 1971. Ted Benson

Train time for the Sacramento Northern at Pittsburg finds a sectionman bundled against the chill February fog as he oils a switch outside the US Steel plant. In the distance, today’s Detour in from Sacramento spots loads of steel in the mill before heading on up the hill to the Pittsburg depot and a late breakfast before turning back to the Camellia City. 2/5/73. Ted Benson

Twenty-four miles out of Keddie, First #54 works into Almanor station beneath the mountain bearing Arthur Keddie’s name. Two SP&S Alco Century 636’s and a pair of GP35’s from Great Northern and CB&Q supply a colorful 12,200 horsepower for the 81 cars of the pool train. 6/16/71. Ted Benson

Smoke boils into the sky at Robbers Creek as hotshot BN-138 works uphill for Norvell with a four unit lashup divided equally between Alco and EMD leading the 81 cars of First #54. Engineer Jim Boynton has his work cut out for him with his 4000 to train on the rolling High Line profile. June 16, 1971. Ted Benson

The ice rimming the wheels of the Bieber plow only adds to the implication of zero-degree weather on the high-line. Keddie, 12/9/72. Ted Benson

A bright summer morning finds extra 3517 East descending Arnold Loop at Clifside, Nevada in forbidding desert country. August 1976. Ted Benson

Morning at Clifside, Nevada finds the BPBF working towards Arnold Loop and Silver Zone Pass behind Bicentennial diesel 1976, two sister GP40 units and a GE U30B. Tracks in foreground are two rail miles in front of the westbound train. August 1976. Ted Benson

In mid-December the valley fog collects in the high reaches of the Coast Range as the Bay Pig charges out of Redmond Cut on the last lap into Oakland. Five late model Geeps led by #3020 provide the required horsepower. 12/76. Ted Benson

The diesel exhausts of the BPBF are muted as the train passes…wheels clicking across the canyon west of Redmond Cut…and the caboose signals the trains end. 12/76. Ted Benson

Storm clouds hang low on the East Humboldt Range below Wells, Nevada as GE’s 2260 and 3064 pilot an eastbound freight toward Salt Lake City. The train is nearing Ruby siding. September, 1976. Ted Benson

Late afternoon along the Great Salt Lake finds the eastbound WPE shirting the briny waters between Lago and Garfield, Utah on the last miles into Salt Lake City. August, 1976. Ted Benson

Sure I know the front office sez the F’s are Passe’ and all that---but have you seen any other locomotive that took to green paint so well and with so much class!!? Here’s the 917-D idling a cold night away at Portola (2o when this shot exposed). 12/9/72. Ted Benson

With a smoke trail fro the third unit reminiscent of a Baby Mallet, #53 drifts into Keddie on June 15, 1971 behind pooled Burlington Northern power. Leading the string are GP35’s 2540 and 2510 in the paint jobs of the former Burlington Route and Great Northern, with Alco C636’s trailing still flying the flag of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle. Ted Benson

The afternoon solitude of James is shattered by the arrival of mail train WMX dropping out of the Feather River Canyon with a solid lashup of Union Pacific power taking the train through from Salt Lake to Oakland. 1-28-72 Ted Benson

As the sun dips low on the piney ridges around Greenville, BN-170 heads north on the High Line with a colorful mix of BN power leading 3017 obidient tons of freight up the 2.6% climb to Almanor and Westwood. 6-13-71 Ted Benson

A cross-star filter gives a glimmer to the lead tracks at Stockton Yard on an unimaginably warm evening in Indian summer. 91-12-71 (Always meant to print this up for a Mileposts cover or some such, but never quite got around to it!) Ted Benson

Just like the old days; the “San Francisco Zephyr” leaves James after holing up for a westbound freight! 4-30-73 Ted Benson

Three high horsepower Geeps and a U-Boat take the CIX around Williams Loop eastbound on a crisp December afternoon. (We’d temporarily stalled in a snowbank— being rescued by a fellow fan at the time—but this shot looked too good to ignore, so we shot a pic and then continued to dig out and continue on toward Portola) 12-9-72 Ted Benson

So much for the UP in Oregon hypothesis! Here’s the CIX working east behind four units of UP power with a setting that’s unmistakably Keddie Wye! 1-29-72 Ted Benson

The rocky confines of Indian Creek canyon throb with the inspired gait of BN-170 as the pooled power takes the 60 car freight north on the High Line at Moccasin station. Here the train is shown crossing Indian Creek. 6-13-71 Ted Benson

The icicles may not be any great shakes to a mountaineer, but to this frozen-footed flatlander, they are a fine barometer of the weather conditions involved in shooting an icy documentary of the Feather River country in winter. 1-29-72 Ted Benson

Only one dome car, but it’s a great one…and that diner’s built by Budd! Look close now: Pullman behind the diner is ex-CB&Q “Silver Chasm” still lettered CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR!!! 4-30-73 Ted Benson

Super wide angle view of the Rotary’s business end. 6-12-70 Ted Benson

A quiet Sunday on the Warner Branch finds diesels 3014 and 3056 trailing but one caboose and one boxcar on the trip to the US Army facility near Toole, Utah. The Lakeside Mountains rise in the distance. August 1976 Ted Benson

A westbound Western Pacific freight rolls through Greenville, Ca. on a smoke filled day in February 1977. Dale Sanders

NCB21, the Yerington” departs CCT’s Stockton Shops on Jan. 21, 1978 bound for Sacramento over the rails of the Traction Company. Ted Benson

In a sylvan setting near Sheldon, California, the “Yerington” rumbles across Traction Company’s fabled Bridge 34, a classic curved pile trestle spanning the Deer Creek floodplain that feeds the Consumnes River. Only 10 rail miles from the SP interchange at Polk, car 21 seems decades removed from Sacramento’s urban sprawl of January 21, 1978. Ted Benson

Kings of High Iron meet on the slopes of Mount Hough as westbound rail train WMX defers to the uphill charge of eastbound mail train CIX. Four GP35’s and 40’s mixed in silver and green paint provide ample power for the 37 cars of the WMX, while two Union Pacific GP30’s spliced by SD24 cab and booster units are needed to get the 74 cars of the CIX over the road. In dramatic fashion, the headend and rear-end crews of the high- wheeling postal couriers exchange greetings for the brief moments that find the queens of the Operating Department in each others company. 1-29-72 Ted Benson

Flanges squeal on the sharp curves below Altamont as five venerable F7’s and a Geep take 113 cars over the Coast Range to San Jose on a pleasant March afternoon in 1971. The covered wagons, built in 1950, were at best only months away from retirement, but still turning a full days work on the SJT. 3-21-71 Ted Benson

The ice is flying off the deck of the Indian Creek bridge as the KGT rips down the High Line at East Moccasin, minutes away from an engine and crew change at Keddie, the nippy 10o air giving extra impetus for an early quit. 12-9-72 Ted Benson

Exhausts echoing off the rocky canyon walls near Pulga, BN-170 heads up the gorge with BN power in charge of the 60 car freight. June 13, 1971 Ted Benson

BN-170 charges out of tunnel 4 at James and on up the new mainline enroute to the Feather River Canyon on June 13, 1971. Still wearing Chinese Red, ex-CB&Q GP35 #2542 leads three former SP&S Alco C425 units on the 60 cars of freight bound for the High Line at Keddie. Ted Benson

It only takes four years of trying to get this shot! A mix of WP and BN power rolls BN-138 up the High Line at Keddie as an On-Time BN-140 shows on the mainline trestle with WP GE U30B #3060 leading more BN power on the second of three NCE hotshots. July 9, 1972 Ted Benson

Sometimes you drive right by a great shot and never even consider it as such. No more than thirty feet off the highway south of Crescent Mills, BN-138.140 makes a beautiful study in sidelight and reflection as enginemen Bill Heckala and Dick Kenney roll the holiday-light train of 58 cars toward Bieber. 2-19-73 Ted Benson

Westbound mail train WMX passes the SJT Sunday only San Jose Turn at Tracy station. The two GP40’s, led by brand new green unit #3524, are 90 minutes off the schedule with 17 container and piggyback flats in tow. March 21, 1971 Ted Benson

A local races east past the Valpico signal on March 22, 1970. Using the fisheye sort of makes the fact that the two units only have five cars in tow unimportant. Ted Benson

Thirteen thousand six hundred horsepower (looks impressive spelled out!) lifts 3903 tons of BN-138 up to Tunnel #6 on June 15, 1971. Leading the colorful brigade of BN pool power is SD45 6431 in Great Northern green and orange followed by a cascade green and black BN GP35, a Chinese Red and grey Burlington Route GP35 and two Alco C425’s in SP&S yellow and black. Ted Benson