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Western Pacific Train Symbols, Schedules & Blocking Assignments
as of May 25, 1973

Train Symbol: Advanced WPX

Purpose: Handles all traffic available for movement via the Salt Lake Gateway through the UP North Yard and beyond with UP routing.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart San Jose WP-A-WPX 7:30 PM PT 1
Depart Milpitas WP-A-WPX 8:30 PM PT 1
Arrive SLC-UP WP-A-WPX 2:00 AM PT 2
Depart SLC-UP UP-A-WPX 3:00 AM MT 2
Arrive No. Platte UP-A-WPX 8:30 PM MT 2
Arrive K. Cty UP-KF 7:45 AM CT 3
Arrive St. Louis NW-KS-2 11:00 PM CT 3
Arrive Chicago BN 11:45 PM CT 3
Arrive Chicago CNW 1:00 AM CT 4
Arrive Chicago CRIP 12:30 AM CT 4
Arrive Chicago MILW 11:00 PM CT 3
Arrive Chicago IC 9:00 AM CT 4

Blocking: Oakland
1. UP East of North Platte
2. UP West of North Platte

Picks up traffic at Stockton, Sacramento and Portola.

Train Symbol: CIX

Purpose: Handles all traffic available for movement via the Salt Lake Gateway through the D&RGW Roper Yard and beyond with D&RGW Routing.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart Oakland WP-CIX 10:00 PM PT 1
Depart Stockton WP-CIX 2:00 AM PT 1
Arrive SLC Roper WP-CIX 3:00 AM PT 2
Depart SLC Roper RG-34 5:00 AM MT 2
Arrive Denver RG-34 6:30 PM MT 2
Arrive Chicago BN-64 11:59 PM CT 3
Arrive Chicago RI-60 5:00 AM CT 4
Arrive K. City RI-74 6:30 PM CT 3
Depart SLC RG-34 5:00 AM MT 2
Arrive Pueblo RG-34 8:00 PM MT 2
Depart Pueblo MP-PKC 4:30 AM MT 3
Arrive K. City MP-PKC 11:59 PM CT 3
Depart K. City MP-PKC 3:00 AM CT 4
Arrive St. Louis MP-PKC 4:30 PM CT 4
Depart St. Louis MP-PKC 10:30 PM CT 4
Arrive Chicago MP-PKC 8:00 AM CT 5

Blocking: Oakland
1. Grand Junction and beyond cars.
2. Salt Lake Proper and Rio Grande Shorts

Picks up Rio Grande traffic at Stockton and Portola.

Train Symbol: Advanced WPF

Purpose: Handles all UP traffic routed via WP to points Oroville and west.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart Oakland WP-GGM 7:00 AM PT 1
Depart Chicago CNW 10:30 AM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte ACNWF 12:30 AM CT 2
Depart Chicago CRIP 3:00 PM CT 0
Arrive No. Platte RIF 8:00 PM CT 1
Depart Chicago BN-165 6:00 AM CT 1
Arrive Grand Island BN-165 10:30 PM CT 1
Depart Grand Island UP-ABNF 10:35 PM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte   6:30 AM MT 2
Depart No. Platte   8:30 AM MT 2
Arrive SLC   12:30 AM MT 2
Depart SLC   12:01 AM PT 2
Arrive Oakland   11:00 PM PT 3
Depart Omaha ACBF 2:00 PM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte ACBF 8:00 PM CT 1
Depart K. City AKCF 11:00 AM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte AKCB 8:00 PM CT 1
Depart St. Louis NW-TC-1 8:30 PM CT 0
Depart K. City TC-1 7:00 AM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte TC-1 3:20 PM CT 1
Depart No. Platte A-WPF 3:00 AM MT 2
Depart SLC A-WPF 7:30 PM PT 2
Arrive Oakland A-WPF 10:30 PM PT 3

Blocking: No. Platte:
1. Bays (Oakland & San Francisco)
2. Oroville to Fremont, Inc.

Oroville Bay Traffic through in connection. Other traffic handled in F-PBF and S-PBF.

Train Symbol: WPF (when operated through, use CMS schedule times)

Purpose: Handles all UP traffic routed via WP to points Gerlach and West.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart Oakland WP-GGM 7:00 AM PT 1
Depart Chicago Milw 5:00 AM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte MILWF 2:05 AM CT 2
Depart Chicago CNW 10:00 AM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte CNWF 5:30 AM CT 2
Depart Chicago IC 8:00 AM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte ICF 5:35 AM CT 2
Depart Chicago BN-65 12:01 PM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte BNF 7:35 AM CT 2
Arrive K. City NW-TC-3 3:00 PM CT 1
Depart K. City TC-3 5:30 PM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte TC-3 2:30 AM CT 2
Depart K. City KCF-KLS 7:00 PM CT 1
Arrive No. Platte KCF-KLS 5:00 AM CT 2
Depart No. Platte WPF 1:30 PM MT 2
Depart SLC WPF 7:30 AM PT 3
Depart Portola WPF 12:30 AM PT 4
Arrive Oakland WPF 4:30 PM PT 4

Blocking: No. Platte
1. Gerlach to Keddie Inc. PNW
2. Oroville to Fremont
3. Bay Area

Oroville Bay traffic through in connection. Balance of west of Oroville traffic handled in F-PBF and S-PBF.

Train Symbol: CMS

Purpose: Handles Reno, Portola and west traffic including Pacific Northwest from D&RGW and its connections to connecting trains at Portola and Stockton.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart St. Louis BN-71 11:00 PM CT 0
  Chicago BN-63 12:01 PM CT 1
  Chicago RI-59 1:30 AM CT 1
  K. City RI-73 9:30 AM CT 1
Depart Denver RG-89 12:45 PM MT 2
Depart SLC WP-CMS 7:30 AM PT 3
Arrive Portola WP-CMS 12:30 AM PT 3
Arrive Sacramento WP-CMS 9:30 AM PT 4
Arrive Stockton WP-CMS 1:00 PM PT 4
Arrive K. Falls BN-140 12:30 AM PT 5
Arrive Portland BN-140 4:00 AM PT 5
Arrive Seattle BN-140 4:00 AM PT 6
Arrive Oakland WP-CMS 6:00 PM PT 4

Blocking: From Roper
1. Portola (Includes Reno and Northwest)
2. Oroville and West

Portola Northwest cars depart 4:00 AM day 4 on Westwood Turn for connection to BN-140 at Greenville. Reno cars to Reno Local at 5:30 AM day 4.

Train Symbol: WP BN-138 (SFE-869)

Purpose: Provides through service from California points in a joint route via AT&SF-WP-BN for movement to Pacific Northwest.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart St. Louis BN-71 11:00 PM CT 0
Depart Oakland WP-140 8:00 PM   1
Depart Los Angeles ATSF-869 4:00 AM   1
Depart Stockton WP-138 5:00 AM   2
Depart Bieber BN-138 6:45 PM   2
Arrive Vancouver WA BN-138 11:45 AM   3
Arrive Portland BN-138 3:30 PM   3
Arrive Tacoma BN-138 3:45 PM   3
Arrive Auburn BN-138 4:45 PM   3
Arrive Seattle BN-138 7:00 PM   3
Arrive Vancouver BC BN-138 6:30 AM   4

Blocking: Oroville
1. Vancouver (as fill)
2. Portland (as fill)
3. Tacoma
4. Auburn
5. South Seattle Piggyback
6. Balmer (Seattle) and beyond

Train is switched at Oroville Yard and combined with traffic arriving on WP-140 to make the blocking and move AT&SF and WP origins.

Train Symbol: WP-BN-139

Purpose: Handles traffic available in Pacific Northwest for WP destinations and connections.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart Seattle BN-139 10:00 AM   1
Depart Portland BN-139 4:00 PM   1
Depart K. Falls BN-139 6:30 PM   2
Depart Bieber WP-139 11:00 PM   2
Arrive Oroville WP-139 8:10 AM   3
Arrive Sacramento WP-PBF 10:30 AM   3
Arrive Fremont WP-FPBF 3:00 AM   3
Arrive Oakland WP-PBF 10:00 PM   3

Blocking: Seattle
1. WP East
2. WP West
3. AT&SF Bakersfield and North.

Train is switched at Oroville Yard and connects to WP-PBF's with blocks for Bay, Fremont, San Jose, Stockton (Tidewater Southern), Stockton (Southern Pacific), Stockton (AT&SF), Marysville, Sacramento, Sacramento (Sacramento Northern). The WP East block is moved to Portola and switched from connection to the WPX on UP traffic and GGM on Rio Grande traffic.

Train Symbol: WP-BN-171

Purpose: To provide service for traffic from Hillyard and Pasco East area to WP destinations and connections.

Action Location Train Local Time Time Zone Days in Symbol
Depart Hillyard BN-171 11:00 PM   0
Depart Pasco BN-171 11:00 AM   1
Depart K. Falls BN-171 7:30 AM   2
Depart Bieber WP-171 3:15 PM   2
Arrive Oroville WP-171 2:30 AM   3
Arrive Sacramento WP-S-PBF 1:00 AM   3
Arrive Stockton WP-S-PBF 3:00 AM   4
Arrive Oakland WP-B-PBF 10:00 PM   3

Blocking: Klamath Falls
1. Locals Bieber to Keddie
2. WP East
3. WP West

Sets out WP East block at Greenville for movement to Portola arriving 2:00 AM for connection to WPX on UP traffic and CIX on Rio Grande traffic. Depending on the size of the WP East and West blocks there are times when the West block is set out for 139 to pick up to Oroville for same connections and train operates through to Portola for connections to same train.

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700 Western Pacific Way, P.O. Box 608, Portola CA 96122-8636 | 1-530-832-4131 | email us at:

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