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We have created reproductions of ten equipment books containing WP, SN and TS technical drawings of various pieces of equipment. The books are spiral bound editions reproduced in summer 2021 by the Feather River Rail Society from original documents from our archives.

Book TitleSizePagesBuy Online at WPRM Store
1 - 1930 Work Equipment11 x 4.574 Buy Online
2 - 1968 WP Freight Cars17 x 4.5168 Buy Online
3 - 1947 Outfit Cars17 x 6.534 Buy Online
4 - SN and TS Locomotive and Freight Equipment17 x 6.529 Buy Online
5 - 1928 Passenger Cars11 x 4.519 Buy Online
6 - 1951 CZ Passenger Cars17 x 6.2513 Buy Online
7 - 1958 Maintenance of Way Equipment11 x 4.586 Buy Online
8 - 1947 Steam Locomotive Equipment~14x726 Buy Online
9 - 1958-1968 Diesel Locomotive Equipment~17x738 Buy Online
10 - 1977 Diesel Locomotive Equipment~12x1038 Buy Online

View a couple sample pages HERE!

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Operated by the Feather River Rail Society, a California 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

700 Western Pacific Way, P.O. Box 608, Portola CA 96122-8636 | 1-530-832-4131 | email us at:

Copyright © 2024 Feather River Rail Society.  All Rights Reserved.  Page last updated:  Monday July 29, 2024 09:16 PDT