Sumter & Choctaw Bellamy Alabama 4-6-1972

Sumter & Choctaw Caboose 1000 CKS Bellamy Alabama 4-6-1972

Sumpter Valley Portland 5-1996 10 19

Sumpter Valley 3 7-3-1976 TM 36 JUL76P9 TOM MOUNGOVAN

Sumpter Valley Rotary Baker Oregon S-113 15 JUN87P9

Sumpter Valley 3 7-3-1976 TM 20 JUL76P9 TOM MOUNGOVAN

Sumpter Valley 7-4-1976 TM 10 JUL76P9 TOM MOUNGOVAN

Sumpter Valley 3 S-113 14 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley 3 S-113 13 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley 3 S-113 11 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley 3 S-113 4 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley 19 S-113 12 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley 80 S-113 3 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley Station S-113 6 JUN78P9

Sumpter Valley Station S-113 5 JUN78P9

Sunny Jim Seattle S-112 7 JUN78P7

729-11 Susquehanna RDC at North Bergen RDCs and MUs in the United States and Canada (350-729) Photo by W. Broschart Blackhawk Films

Swift & Co. 25010 Elgin, Illinois 6-1976 RRL 35 Bob Larson

Sumpter Valley 3 158 34 SEP86

Sumpter Valley 5 Caboose 158 33 SEP86

Sumpter Valley Station 158 32 SEP86

Sumpter Valley Boxcar 158 31 SEP86

Sumpter Valley 101 158 30 SEP86

Tahoe Trout Creek & Pacific 5 C. Hamma 133 37 SEP85P4

Swanton Pacific 4-2003

Swanton Pacific 4-2003

Sydney & Lowe 200 Sidney, Nebraska 285 30