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FRRS WP 512 Collection Photo Album

Collection: Kent Stephens Photo Boxes
Photo: Kent_Stephens_Photos_Box_2022-08-20-00017_IMG00010

13 Portola Railroad Museum Railroad Days Portola WP 512 9/13/1997 .

Collection: Kent Stephens Photo Boxes
Photo: Kent_Stephens_Photos_Box_2022-08-20-00017_IMG00012

15 Portola Railroad Museum Railroad Days Portola VIA 6776 and WP 512 9/13/1997 .

Collection: Kent Stephens Photo Boxes
Photo: Kent_Stephens_Photos_Box_2022-08-20-00022_IMG00023

Nucor Steel #04 and WP 512 WPRM Nucor Steel #04 and WP 512 8-11-1997 .

Collection: Mike Mucklin On the Property
Photo: wp_512_022709_DSC_4613

WP 512 .

Collection: Mike Mucklin On the Property
Photo: wp_512_022709_DSC_4617

WP 512 .

Collection: Mike Mucklin On the Property
Photo: wp_512_042405_DSC_2306

WP 512 .

Collection: Mike Mucklin On the Property
Photo: wp_512_092003_DSCF7615

WP 512 .

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_262

PRM WP 501 WP 512 6 AUG92.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_267

PRM WP 512 WP 501 311 27 OCT90K07.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_268

Portola RR Museum 7372 ( WP 512 ) 11 DEC88P08.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_269

PRM WP 512 276 15 SEP89.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_270

PRM WP 512 276 7 SEP89.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_271

PRM WP 512 16 SEP89.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_272

PRM WP 512 311 14 OCT90N07.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_273

PRM WP 512 311 18 OCT90N07.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_274

PRM WP 512 311 17 OCT90N07.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_275

PRM WP 512 276 14 SEP89.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_276

PRM WP 512 WP 501 28 OCT90N07.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_277

WP 512 Photo by Norman Holmes 26.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_278

PRM WP 512 275 19 SEP89.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_279

Portola RR Museum 7372 ( WP 512 ) 10 DEC88P08.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_281

PRM unloading 7372 ( WP 512 ) 263 13 DEC88P08.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_282

PRM WP 512 3 AUG92D06.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_283

PRM WP 512 and WP 501 5 AUG92D06.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_284

PRM WP 512 23 OCT98.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_285

PRM WP 512 UP 737 5-97 12.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_286

PRM WP 512 trucks 274 15 AUG89P11.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_287

PRM WP 512 11 JAN92.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_288

PRM WP 512 13 JAN92.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_289

PRM WP 512 14 JAN92.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_290

PRM WP 512 WP 608 9-1-03 10 SEP03.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_291

PRM WP 512 VIA 6776 8-94 20 SEP94M04.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_292

PRM WP 512 34 FEB91.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_293

PRM WP 512 4-94 27 APR94M04.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_294

PRM WP 512 5-92 34 JUN92M01.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_295

PRM WP 512 Photo by Norman Holmes 13 APR93M01.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_296

PRM WP 512 train 37 JUN92M01.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_297

PRM WP 512 18 DEC91.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_298

PRM WP 512 35 FEB91.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_299

PRM WP 512 VIA 6776 8-94 19 SEP94M04.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_300

PRM WP 512 and dog 9-97 24 SEP97D11.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 1
Photo: nh_d5_r1_301

PRM WP 512 FRW 1857 7-95 31.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 2
Photo: nh_d5_r2_127

PRM WP 921 and WP 512 37 JUL92D08.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 5 Row 4
Photo: nh_d5_r4_057

PRM Hank on WP 512 251 2 DEC88P11.

Collection: PRM-01
Photo: IMG00016

Portola RR Museum Norm Holmes two unknown in front of WP 512 12-2012.

Collection: PRM-Paul Finnegan-1992
Photo: gpf_92_001

Paul Finnegan on WP 512 Summer 1992.