A very busy day at Portola. The weekend started out with a little snow, and then it really snowed! And it was COLD!
Operating Department held Crew Training:
Everything was setup and ready for the 10:00 am training class, and then at 9:50 the power went out!
Thirteen people took the rules test, while we waited for the power to come back on.
Then we had Polish Sausages and chips for lunch, and talked about all kinds of things.
Then we gave up on the power company and started the training from battery power.
Everyone passed the rules test, and the training was held in spite of the weather and the power outage. So the day was a success.
Two additional crew members took and passed the written test on Sunday.
We had two first-timers join the Operating Department this weekend.
Highlights from the Board of Directors Meeting (which started at 1 PM):
It was announced that Frank Brehm has resigned as director.
Three new directors were appointed to fill all the board openings:
- Matt Elems
- Rick Gruninger
- Roger Stabler
Bart Hansen was appointed Treasurer.
Leisa Wesch was appointed Gift Shop Manager.
The Next Board meeting will be held on May 6th at 9:30 at the convention in Reno.
The board meeting went long, but eventually adjourned. Then ten minutes later, the power came back on.
Pictures from the weekend at Portola

Friday Noon, it started to snow.

Saturday morning, it had snowed.


Kerry Cochran General Superintendent

Paul Finnegan Operating Dept Supervisor

Getting to breakfast was an adventure.


Bill Parker making his way to training.

11 AM Saturday April 8, 2017


Class about to start.