

2020 Book Fundraiser



The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in economic, social, and health related challenges that impact the operation of every business. This includes the FRRS. Due to the nature of our equipment and facility with regards to keeping requested distances and concern for the health of our dedicated volunteers, the decision has been made to not open for the 2020 regular season. However, the bills must still be paid and the equipment and facility must be maintained.

Within COVID guidelines, our volunteers are working diligently to continue restorations, repairs, and improvements to ensure that when the museum reopens, we are ready to share our unique collection with returning visitors. But to do this, we need the support of the community and our members.

To help raise the funds needed, we have opened this fundraiser with special gifts for those who contribute. Please consider making a donation to help get the museum, the archives and our collection ready for the grand reopening!

The special promotion has ended, but you are invited to make a donation anyway!