
2024 Big Boy Celebration
Big Fish Creations, Kerry Cochran, Ethan Doty, Greg Elems, John Garbutt, Nicholas Manos, Barbara Pierceall, Gus Paoli, Matthew Shuman, Brian Waller

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or use the links to photographs below for large images of the

2024 Big Boy Celebration gallery.

Page last updated:  Wed Aug 28 12:45:00 PDT 2024

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Links to photographs in slide show:

Image number 1 -- WP 165 is hot today. - Greg Elems 7/6/24
Image number 2 -- Fred Elenbaas finishing the handicap parking spots. - Greg Elems 7/6/24
Image number 3 -- David Elems and Nicholas Manos helping Roger Stabler calibrate safety devices on WP 165. - Greg Elems 7/6/24
Image number 4 -- David Elems and Nicholas Manos helping Roger Stabler calibrate safety devices on WP 165. - Greg Elems 7/6/24
Image number 5 -- Eugene Vicknair with the new drinking fountain in the women′s restroom hall. It will have a water bottle fill station also. - Greg Elems 7/7/24
Image number 6 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 7 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 8 -- WP 165 wooden art in display room WPRM - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 9 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 10 -- UP 1983 seen from the museum it is expected that it will be on the Big Boy train when it goes down the canyon and from Roseville over Donner - Kerry Cochran 7/8/24
Image number 11 -- Eric Manos compacting the the ADA parking at pedestrian entrance getting ready for the 2024 Big Boy Celebration tomorrow - Kerry Cochran 7/9/24
Image number 12 -- Eric Manos preparing ADA parking museum entrance - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 13 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 14 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 15 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 16 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 17 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 18 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 19 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 20 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 21 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 22 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 23 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 24 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 25 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 26 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 27 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 28 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 29 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 30 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 31 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 32 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 33 -- Brian Waller working on the Kobota, Craig Simmons in the background - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 34 -- ADA access to Big Boy viewing area - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 35 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 36 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 37 -- WP 165 fired up, getting ready for the event - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 38 -- WP 165 fired up, getting ready for the event - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 39 -- WP 165 Steam electrical generator - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 40 -- Roger Stabler in WP 165 Checking equipment - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 41 -- Roger Stabler in WP 165 Checking equipment - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 42 -- WP 165 American Locomotive Company logo - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 43 -- WP 165 fired up, getting ready for the event - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 44 -- WP 165 moving under its own power - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 45 -- WP 165 moving under its own power sitting outside the shop - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 46 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 47 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 48 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 49 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 50 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 51 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 52 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 53 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 54 -- UP 4014 arrives at Portola - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 55 -- News helicopter watching UP 4014 arrive - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 56 -- UP Police waiting for UP 4014 arrival - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 57 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 58 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 59 -- UP 4014 arrives at Portola - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 60 -- UP 4014 moving into viewing position - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 61 -- UP 4014 moving into viewing position - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 62 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 63 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 64 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 65 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 66 -- - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 67 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 68 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 69 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 70 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 71 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 72 -- UP crew checking UP 4014 - Kerry Cochran 7/9/2024
Image number 73 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 74 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 75 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 76 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 77 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 78 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 79 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 80 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/9/24
Image number 81 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 82 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/9/24
Image number 83 -- FRRS members taking photos - Kerry Cochran 7/9/24
Image number 84 -- UP Early in the Morning light and no visitors. - Ethan Doty 7/10/24
Image number 85 -- WPRM crew members getting ready for the days work - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 86 -- WP 165 with Caboose Train ready for the days work - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 87 -- WP 165 out at Malfunction. - Ethan Doty 7/10/24
Image number 88 -- Visitors getting onboard the caboose train - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 89 -- Visitors getting onboard the caboose train - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 90 -- Visitors looking at the UP 4014 - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 91 -- Visitors waling into the museum - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 92 -- Walking path and vehicle entry road into museum - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 93 -- Entry gate into museum - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 94 -- Parking area at old ball field area - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 95 -- Visitors lining up to get into entry gate - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 96 -- Entry Gate - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 97 -- Entry Gate - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 98 -- - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 99 -- Scooping the sand out of the sand dome – he also had a shop vac on the catwalk. - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 100 -- Visitors walking toward ADA entrance - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 101 -- Grand Return of UP 1983, WP Heritage unit. - Ethan Doty 7/10/24
Image number 102 -- Visitors walking toward ADA entrance - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 103 -- Motor Car loading area - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 104 -- Cab lettering : 4-8-8-4 is the wheel arrangement, 1 (4014 was in the first series of this type of locomotive ordered. 4020-4024 were in series 2.) 68 (Diameter of the drivers in inches), 24-24 over 32 (bore and stroke of the cylinders), 540 (weight on drivers), DB (Dickens/Bradley - they are the ones that designed and made the firebox conversion to Oil from Coal) - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 105 -- Viewing area - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 106 -- Motor Car rides - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 107 -- Motor Car rides - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 108 -- ADA Parking area - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 109 -- Craig Simmons talking to visitor - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 110 -- Model Train exhibit - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 111 -- Information Desk Matt and Debbie Shuman - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 112 -- Information Desk Matt and Debbie Shuman - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 113 -- Matt Shuman talking to visitor - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 114 -- Museum Store - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 115 -- Museum Store - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 116 -- Museum Store - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 117 -- Display room - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 118 -- Display room - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 119 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 120 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 121 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 122 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 123 -- John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 124 -- The little hammer allows the ″ring″ to detect loose parts. - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 125 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 126 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 127 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 128 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 129 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 130 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 131 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 132 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 133 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 134 -- John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 135 -- Food Vendors - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 136 -- Food Vendors - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 137 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 138 -- 4014 Shield - John Garbutt
Image number 139 -- Boiler build plate (from https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?10,4303086) UP 4014 currently carries builder plates reproduced from an original plate from UP 4001, with builder number 69572 and builder date September 1941. The original left side builder plate on 4014 was stolen the first night after it arrived in Pomona in January 1962. The right side plate was cracked with a missing corner piece. After a few years, a local R&LHS member offered his original plate from UP 4001 to serve as an original to have reproduction copies made, and it is these reproduction copies that are currently mounted on UP 4014.) - photo by John Garbutt
Image number 140 -- Ed Dickens, Union Pacific Railroad Senior Manager of Heritage Operations - John Garbutt
Image number 141 -- Don Nelson fires WP 165 - Nicholas Manos 7/10/24
Image number 142 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 143 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 144 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 145 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 146 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 147 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 148 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 149 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 150 -- Tasha Weaver, Office of Senator Brian Dahle and Patty Clawson WPRM Communications Manager - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 151 -- John Bartell Reporter for ABC News 10 Sacramento interviewing event attendee - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 152 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 153 -- Model Trains - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 154 -- Model Trains - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 155 -- Model Trains - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 156 -- Executive Assistant/Clerk of the Board Eastern Plumas Health Care and Doug McCoy, CEO Eastern Plumas Health Care - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 157 -- WP 165 at Pedestrian entry - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 158 -- WP 1983 added into UP 4014 train - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 159 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 160 -- Model Train exhibit - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 161 -- Model Train exhibit - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 162 -- Model Train exhibit - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 163 -- Model Train exhibit - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 164 -- Model Train exhibit - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 165 -- WP 165 on three rail with the caboose train - Brian Waller 7/10/24
Image number 166 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 167 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 168 -- - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 169 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 170 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 171 -- UP 4014 is the only steam locomotive equipped with Positive Train Control. - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 172 -- - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 173 -- - John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 174 -- Photo taken from across the river at the park.- John Garbutt 7/10/24
Image number 175 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 176 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 177 -- UP 4014 in the afternoon with a crowd. (photo taken from WPRM baggage car FRRX 5653) - Ethan Doty 7/10/24
Image number 178 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 179 -- WP 165 on the Ramp Track. (photo taken from WPRM baggage car FRRX 5653) - Ethan Doty 7/10/24
Image number 180 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 181 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 182 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 183 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 184 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 185 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 186 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 187 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 188 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 189 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 190 -- Filling WP 165 with water - Brian Waller 7/10/24
Image number 191 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 192 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 193 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 194 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 195 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 196 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 197 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 198 -- WP 165 with Caboose Train - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 199 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 200 -- - photo by Ed Dickens 7/10/24
Image number 201 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/10/24
Image number 202 -- President Greg Elems addresses the night photo shoot guests - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 203 -- Night Photo Shoot guests - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 204 -- Night Photo Shoot guests - Kerry Cochran 7/10/2024
Image number 205 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 206 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 207 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 208 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 209 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 210 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 211 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 212 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 213 -- Ed Dickens JR (engineer of the Big Boy) Patty Clawson and Greg Elems - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 214 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 215 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/10/24
Image number 216 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 217 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 218 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 219 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 220 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 221 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 222 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 223 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 224 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 225 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 226 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 227 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 228 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 229 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 230 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 231 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 232 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 233 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 234 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 235 -- UP 4014 backing up to the main line - getting ready to leave Portola - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 236 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 237 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 238 -- UP 4014 on the main line steaming up to leave - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 239 -- UP 4014 on the way - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 240 -- UP 4014 on the way - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 241 -- UP 4014 on the way - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 242 -- UP 4014 on the way - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 243 -- UP 4014 and WP 1983 leaving Portola - Kerry Cochran 7/11/2024
Image number 244 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 245 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 246 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 247 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 248 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 249 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 250 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 251 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 252 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 253 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 254 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 255 -- Waving from the Big Boy cab is John Bartell ABC News 10 Sacramento - Big Fish Creations 7/11/24
Image number 256 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 257 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 258 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 259 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 260 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 261 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 262 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 263 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 264 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 265 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 266 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 267 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 268 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 269 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 270 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 271 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 272 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 273 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 274 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 275 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 276 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 277 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 278 -- UP 4014 headed for Oroville crossing state route 89 - Barbara Pierceall 7/11/24
Image number 279 -- - Big Fish Creations 7/11/24
Image number 280 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 281 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 282 -- - photo by Matthew Shuman 7/11/24
Image number 283 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 284 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 285 -- - Gus Paoli
Image number 286 -- - Gus Paoli

Page last updated:  Wed Aug 28 12:45:00 PDT 2024