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FRRS WP 555 Collection Photo Album

Collection: Carl Walker Photos WPRR
Photo: wp_555_oak_7_10_49
Alco Motor WP 555 Oakland - 7/10/49.

Collection: Garth Groff 2019-0001
Photo: 2019-0001-Groff-B1-R1-S1-03
exWP 555 1972 Associated Metals Sacramento, CA.

Collection: Garth Groff Photos
Photo: PICT6554
WP 555 .

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 1
Photo: nh_d1_r1_112
WP 555 SJ (San Jose) 2-24-1968 65 E.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 1
Photo: nh_d1_r1_113
WP 555 SJ (San Jose) South 7th street 9-1967 59.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 1
Photo: nh_d1_r1_114
WP 555 SJ (San Jose) South 7th street 9-1967 59.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 1
Photo: nh_d1_r1_115
WP 555 Milpitas 2-1967 31.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 1
Photo: nh_d1_r1_116
WP 555 SJ (San Jose) South 7th street 9-1967 59.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 1
Photo: nh_d1_r1_117
WP 555 (San Jose) 2-24-1968 E 65.