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FRRS WP 462 Collection Photo Album

Collection: Frank Beavers Collection
Photo: Frank_Beavers_Collection_IMG00121
WP 462 Norman Morris Photo June 1990

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_227
Caboose WP 462 Oroville 6/7/85.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_228
Caboose WP 462 Yuba City 10/9/82 4 NOV82P7.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_229
Caboose WP 462 Yuba City 2/12/82 12 FEB82P3.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_238
Caboose WP 462 Yuba City 2/12/82 11 FEB82P3.

Collection: Slides Found in Archive
Photo: IMG00003
WP 462 462 is at Oroville in that view. You can see the Oroville derrick train in the background with its silver bay-window caboose. 462 is shown in its rebuilt condition (it was rebuilt in 1980) and spent much of its time assigned to the Chico Local out of Yuba City. The derrick train got the silver after UP took over. It was silver in 1983 when Greg Elems worked the WP MOW clean up gang in the FRC. By 1986 when Greg worked as brakeman on the extra board out of Portola the derrick train had been moved to Portola and a UP cupola caboose was assigned to it which is now in the WPRM caboose train. IIRC the Oroville derrick caboose was the 428 at the time of the merger..