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FRRS WP 3511 Collection Photo Album

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 1
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_1_474
GP40 WP 3511 6-25-80 Indian Creek 37 JUL80P11 Roy Lopez.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 1
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_1_475
GP40 WP 3511 Keddie Wye 7/22/80 27 AUG80P5.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_197
Multiple Locos WP 3511 BN 8108 BN 6923 etc. Keddie Wye 7/22/80 30 AUG80P5.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_198
Multiple Locos WP 3511 BN 8108 BN 6923 WP 3537 WP 3550 Keddie Wye 7/22/80 31 AUG80P5.

Collection: Frank Hibbs Set 2
Photo: Frank_Hibbs_Set_2_199
Multiple Locos WP 3511 BN 8108 etc. Keddie Wye 7/22/80 29 AUG80P5.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 4
Photo: nh_d1_r4_285
WP 305x Orange/Silver WP 3511 Tracy 155 DEC73 11.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 4
Photo: nh_d1_r4_332
WP 305x Green WP 3511 Portola 283 5 MAY79P9.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 4
Photo: nh_d1_r4_333
WP 305x Green WP 3511 Antelope 274 35 MAR79P6.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 4
Photo: nh_d1_r4_334
WP 305x Green WP 3511 Pulga 228 11 FEB77.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 4
Photo: nh_d1_r4_335
WP 305x Green WP 3511 CKS 26 DEC73.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 4
Photo: nh_d1_r4_336
WP 305x Green WP 3511 Portola 156 20 JAN74.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 5
Photo: nh_d1_r5_200
WP 35xx Orange Nose WP 3511 Portola 030 12 DEC80.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 5
Photo: nh_d1_r5_201
WP 35xx Orange Nose WP 3511 Portola.