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FRRS WP 201 Collection Photo Album

Collection: Carl Walker Photos WPRR
Photo: wp_201_ked_6_21_48
2-6-6-2 WP 201 Keddie - 6/21/48.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 3
Photo: nh_d1_r3_057
Exp 204 4 WP 204 WP 201 WPMW 37 From Roberts.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 3
Photo: nh_d1_r3_223
WP 201 in turntable R-13 10 From Roberts.

Collection: Norm Holmes Drawer 1 Row 3
Photo: nh_d1_r3_224
WP 201 in Pit Keddie R-13 11 From Roberts.