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FRRS SN 654 Collection Photo Album

Collection: Frank Beavers Collection
Photo: Frank_Beavers_Collection_IMG00129
SN 654 Nov 1990

Collection: Garth Groff 2019-0001
Photo: 2019-0001-Groff-B1-R4-S2-05
SN 654.

Collection: Garth Groff 2019-0001
Photo: 2019-0001-Groff-B1-R4-S3-09
SN 654 1976.

Collection: Garth Groff 2019-0001
Photo: 2019-0001-Groff-B1-R4-S3-16
SN 654 Caboose 1633.

Collection: Garth Groff 2019-0001
Photo: 2019-0001-Groff-B1-R5-S3-01
SN 654.

Collection: Garth Groff 2019-0001
Photo: 2019-0001-Groff-B1-R5-S3-02
SN 654.

Collection: Kent Stephens Photo Boxes
Photo: Kent_Stephens_Photos_Box_2022-08-20-00003_IMG00030
39 SN 654 SN 654

Collection: Norm Holmes SN
Photo: nh_sn_065
SN 654 Yuba City West Coast Slides 309003.

Collection: Norm Holmes SN
Photo: nh_sn_066
SN 654 Yuba City Built GE Sep 60 C.G. Parsons.

Collection: Norm Holmes SN
Photo: nh_sn_067
SN 654 W/T D.

Collection: Norm Holmes SN
Photo: nh_sn_068
SN 654 Rio Vista 10-1-1977 WP Day with SL+U Ry Comet 12 OCT77P6 Robert Larson.

Collection: Norm Holmes SN
Photo: nh_sn_069
SN 654 Americana Slides 162E 37 FEB69P5.

Collection: VSC Slides Boxes
Photo: VSC_Slides_Box_11_Sacramento_Northern_IMG00001
1 Sacramento Northern # 653 - 654 Yuba City Sacramento Northern # 653 - 654 Nov 4 1962 SN 653 SN 654.

Collection: VSC Slides Boxes
Photo: VSC_Slides_Box_11_Sacramento_Northern_IMG00002
3 Sacramento Northern # 653 - 654 Yuba City Sacramento Northern # 653 - 654 Nov 4 1962 SN 653 SN 654.

Collection: VSC Slides Boxes
Photo: VSC_Slides_Box_11_Sacramento_Northern_IMG00004
39 Sacramento Northern # 654 Yuba City Sacramento Northern # 654 July 7 1962 SN 654.